Mauro Zamboni

Mauro Zamboni

Mauro Zamboni is Professor in jurisprudence at the Department of Law, Stockholm University since 2011 and a researcher at Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law (SCCL). He is also Director of the Global Legal Research and Information Management (GRiM) Winter School – an intense study program organized under the roof of the European Academy of Legal Theory (EALT), hosted by Stockholm University – and a general editor of the journal The Theory and Practice of Legislation. In 2010-2014 he was Visiting Professor at the Groningen Centre for Law and Governance (GLC) at Groningen University and the VU Centre for Law and Governance (VU CLG) at VU University Amsterdam.

Zamboni received his LL.D. from Stockholm University in 2004 after defending his dissertation The Policy of Law: A Legal Theoretical Framework (republished in 2007 by Hart Publishing) which analyzes how politics and law interact, interoperate and conflict. The dissertation was awarded EALT’s European Award for Legal Theory 2005 and Högskoleföreningens pris för framstående vetenskaplig prestation [Högskoleföreningen’s award for distinguished scientific achievement] 2007. In 2006 he was appointed a five year research position in legal science, particularly legal theory, by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He has written Law and Politics: A Dilemma for Contemporary Legal Theory (Springer, 2007) and is currently finishing his work on The Idea of Corporation in Transnational Law: Setting the Foundations. In addition, he teaches in both the Swedish and English languages. 



- The annual meeting of IVR Sweden will take place in Linköping the 27th - 28th of August. Save the Date. More information to come. 

- Patricia Mindus is promoted to Professor of Practical Philosophy at Uppsala University, the first woman in that position since 1477 when the University was founded.

- Patricia Mindus publishes the book Hacia una teoría funcionalista de la ciudadanía

- IVR Sweden holds its annual conference in Stockholm, May 23-24, 2019. Read invitation and programme.

- The "Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism Conference 2" is held in i Stockholm on April 22-25, 2019. Read programme.

- Programme, spring 2019, for the joint Uppsala and Stockholm Seminar in Philosophy of Law

- The IVR 29th world congress, "Dignity, Democracy Diversity", issues a CfP. Deadline for abstracts is December 31, 2018. The congress is held in Lucerne, 7-13 July 2019.

- A PhD dissertation defence of interest in Philosophy of Law at Stockholm University on October 12, 2018: Jasmina Nedevska Törnqvist, Why Care About Future People’s Environment?

- Call for Papers to The Finnish-Swedish PhD Conference on Legal Reasoning, in Finland, December 7-8, 2018