Nicola Lucchi

Nicola Lucchi

Nicola Lucchi is Associate Professor (docent) and Senior Lecturer in law at Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, where he is also an affiliated researcher with the Media Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC). He holds a doctoral degree in law from the University of Padua where he defended his dissertation The Role of Law in the Regulation of Technologies and Innovations in 2011. He also holds a degree in law and a postgraduate certificate in EU Law from the University of Ferrara.

Prior to moving to Sweden, Lucchi was EU Marie Curie post-doc Fellow Researcher at the Université Catholique de Louvain, and a research associate (‘assegnista di ricerca’) at the University of Ferrara. His research interests focus on information law and policy and the interaction between law and innovation. His current research agenda centers on the impact of scientific and technological developments on fundamental legal rights. In particular, he is engaged in a research project devoted to the study of the relevant problems in the legal sphere, created and generated by recent advances in science and technology.

Lucchi’s publications include Digital Media and Intellectual Property (Springer, 2006), Informatica per le Scienze Giuridiche [Legal Informatics] (Cedam, 2009, 6th ed., co-autored), I contenuti digitali: tecnologie, diritti e libertà [Digital Content: Technology, Rights and Freedoms] (Springer, 2010), and Biotech Innovations and Fundamental Rights (Springer, 2012, co-edited). He is currently at work on a book investigating a series of cutting-edge contemporary and controversial case-studies where scientific and technological issues intersect with individual legal rights.



- The annual meeting of IVR Sweden will take place in Linköping the 27th - 28th of August. Save the Date. More information to come. 

- Patricia Mindus is promoted to Professor of Practical Philosophy at Uppsala University, the first woman in that position since 1477 when the University was founded.

- Patricia Mindus publishes the book Hacia una teoría funcionalista de la ciudadanía

- IVR Sweden holds its annual conference in Stockholm, May 23-24, 2019. Read invitation and programme.

- The "Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism Conference 2" is held in i Stockholm on April 22-25, 2019. Read programme.

- Programme, spring 2019, for the joint Uppsala and Stockholm Seminar in Philosophy of Law

- The IVR 29th world congress, "Dignity, Democracy Diversity", issues a CfP. Deadline for abstracts is December 31, 2018. The congress is held in Lucerne, 7-13 July 2019.

- A PhD dissertation defence of interest in Philosophy of Law at Stockholm University on October 12, 2018: Jasmina Nedevska Törnqvist, Why Care About Future People’s Environment?

- Call for Papers to The Finnish-Swedish PhD Conference on Legal Reasoning, in Finland, December 7-8, 2018