Christian Dahlman

Christian Dahlman

Christian Dahlman is Professor of jurisprudence at Lund University where he researches legal evidence assessment, argumentation and decision making. He received a LL.D. from the same university in 2000 after having successfully defended his dissertation Konkurrerande culpateorier [Competing Theories of Negligence] on the three definitions of ‘negligence’ in tort law, how they are applied and how conflicts between them can be resolved. He is the former President of the Swedish section of IVR.   

At Lund University Dahlman heads the cross disciplinary research group Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC). LEVIC is a collaboration between the Faculty of Law, the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Psychology, and the group investigates how different kinds of evidence are assessed in the courts. His latest publications include the articles “The Felony Fallacy” (Law, Probability and Risk, 2015), “Prototype Effect and the Persuasiveness of Generalizations” (Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2015, co-authored), “Robust Trust in Expert Testimony” (Humana.Mente, 2015, co-authored), “Om oacceptabla generaliseringar i bevisvärdering” [“On Unacceptable Generalizations in Evidence Assessment”] (Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, to be published in 2015) and the anthology Argument Types and Fallacies in Legal Argumentation (Springer, 2015, co-edited).



- The annual meeting of IVR Sweden will take place in Linköping the 27th - 28th of August. Save the Date. More information to come. 

- Patricia Mindus is promoted to Professor of Practical Philosophy at Uppsala University, the first woman in that position since 1477 when the University was founded.

- Patricia Mindus publishes the book Hacia una teoría funcionalista de la ciudadanía

- IVR Sweden holds its annual conference in Stockholm, May 23-24, 2019. Read invitation and programme.

- The "Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism Conference 2" is held in i Stockholm on April 22-25, 2019. Read programme.

- Programme, spring 2019, for the joint Uppsala and Stockholm Seminar in Philosophy of Law

- The IVR 29th world congress, "Dignity, Democracy Diversity", issues a CfP. Deadline for abstracts is December 31, 2018. The congress is held in Lucerne, 7-13 July 2019.

- A PhD dissertation defence of interest in Philosophy of Law at Stockholm University on October 12, 2018: Jasmina Nedevska Törnqvist, Why Care About Future People’s Environment?

- Call for Papers to The Finnish-Swedish PhD Conference on Legal Reasoning, in Finland, December 7-8, 2018