The Swedish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
Karl Dahlstrand is Ph.D. in Sociology of Law and since 2014 Senior Lecturer at the Sociology of Law Department at Lund University. Legal theory caught his attention during his law studies, and apart from a LL.B., he has also studied political science, criminology and sociology of law. In 2012 he successfully defended his dissertation Kränkning och upprättelse [Violation and Satisfaction]. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning till brottsoffer which treated some theoretical themes such as incommensurability between non-pecuniary damage and financial compensation, and the relation between rule following and social norms. The dissertation was awarded by the New Society of Letters at Lund.
Since 2012 Dahlstrand is part of the Cybernorms Research Group where he conducts the project “Violation in a Digital Context” concerning defamation in the social media. His research interests mainly concern analytic philosophy and the theory and method of sociology of law. He teaches in the programs in psychology and criminology at Lund University, the program in social work and in the program in law at both Stockholm University and the University of Gothenburg. A collection of Dahlstrand’s recent publications is “Norms about Norms: A Hartian Perspective” (in Social and Legal Norms: Towards a Socio-Legal Understanding of Normativity, 2013, Ashgate), Nätkränkningar [Online Defamation]: en studie av svenska ungdomars normer och beteenden (Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society, 2014, co-authored), and “Rättens transcendens [The Transcendence of Law]. Om skälighet inom avtalsrätten och relevansen av Rawls rättviseteori” (in Årsbok / Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund, The New Society of Letters at Lund, 2014).